The Hard-Hitting Consequences of an Imbalanced Sex Ratio

India is one the many countries with the most imbalanced sex ratio. Further, the situation seems to be declining steadily. It should come as no surprise that every consequence of an imbalanced sex ratio affects a girl child more than the male population within a country. Here is how a low sex ratio in India can affect the overall social scenario:

Violence against women

The drastic imbalance in the sex ratio has been one of the major causes of increase in violence against women. With cases of abuse against young girls, women, and even infants, this stark difference is an issue that needs to be dealt with on a continual basis. Due to the fear of violence, female infanticide committed by parents too has become rampant owing to the chances of potential threat to girls as they grow up. Further the incidences of women being abused for giving birth to girl children has seen little change in the past decade even with numerous programs and reforms being started to ensure the safety of girls and children.

Increase in girl child trafficking

With the ratio of males being significantly more than that of females, the cases of girl child trafficking have also seen a drastic increase in regions where this difference is stark. With lack of brides for the males of the villages, people have resorted to purchasing brides from areas that are economically backward, reducing women and girls to commodities. Ensuring the right balance of sex ratio in India is also one way to combat child trafficking.

Forced marriages and increase in polygamy

Another oppressive consequence of a low sex ratio is the fact that many widows are forcibly married off to fulfil familial responsibilities in areas where finding a bride has become a difficult task. Further girls as young as 9 or 10 are married off in the hopes that they may be the carriers of the line once they hit puberty.
Due to a low sex ratio, the instances of polygamy too have increased over the years to ensure that every male can produce his offspring even with a reduction in the ratio of the fairer sex.
Technological advancements have also made sex determination easy, leading to more fatal consequences.
By educating people about saving girls to ensure a balanced sex ratio in India, we can create a more accepting and healthier environment for girls to be born in.

Save a Life through a Donation

The word ‘charity’ means several things through which one signifies love for
mankind. When you really consider what an act of charity can do, this particular
meaning doesn’t seem so farfetched. Someone’s decision to donate for children
can be of great significance for young lives that have forever yearned for a
change in their circumstances. With numerous NGOs actively working toward
bettering the lives of unprivileged children, you can join them in their goal to
save countless lives every year.

Here is how you save a life when you donate money to an NGO:

You become someone’s friend in need

When you have enough to give, it is always more pleasurable to give than to
horde it up or use it for yourselves. By donating money to an NGO for children,
you can be the silver lining that some of these little ones are yearning for and
make a huge difference in their lives. What may seem like a paltry amount to you
can very well be the treasure for someone with nothing to call their own.

The tax benefit is all yours

Most NGOs are of equal help to you if you are generous enough to donate to
them. With NGO donations being considered under the tax deduction policy, you
cannot help save a life but also save on your funds by enjoying the tax benefits
your positive act can offer. Instead of having to pay a huge tax, one would
certainly be happier helping out a young child by making a donation.

You set an example for your children

Children imitate what they see their elders do. When you make a conscious
decision of helping out unprivileged children by making a donation to charity,
you not only help those children but also your own by imbibing in them a strong
sense of responsibility. Your own generosity can help create a spirit of giving in
your children, creating a lovely chain.

You learn to manage funds better

Managing your funds is certainly not an easy task. However, when you decide to
donate money to an NGO every month, you can plan better beforehand by being
more involved in how you spend your finances. Further, you can also cut down
on frivolous expenses that went overlooked all these years.

When you donate for children, you not only ensure a happy present for them
but also set the foundations for a better future by giving them the hope they