Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 year

Synonymous with the best NGO in India - Save the Children!

One of the best ways to give back to the society, community, and nation at large is to help those who are less fortunate than you are. You don’t have to always give monetarily; you can also give your time and effort to various charitable t…

Child Education guarantees the growth of a nation.

Every child has the right to education. Innumerable children all over the globe are not learning because of crippling issues such as poverty, discrimination, quality of child education, or because they are too hungry to consider education.…

Understand Income Tax Deductions & Exemptions

‘Tax Benefit’ generally refers to any tax law that gives the taxpayers an opportunity to reduce the tax bill when they certify certain tax eligibility requirements. To the taxpayer’s aid, Tax Benefit comes in several forms like income tax …

Protect India’s vulnerable children.

Child protection policy in India sits on a wide spectrum and is increasingly affirmed as a core element of social advancement. The challenge is, however, implementing the regulations because of inadequate on-ground human resource limitatio…